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Yes, it is divide and conquer. The people need education first. When I say education not necessarily going to brick schools. Education in the sense that they are informed about the deceit going on. Then there is a need to deconstruct the mind of the people.
As an activist, speaking from experience, the moment the people have the information needed in their hands they become un-stoppable.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Mwananchi] Re: Where is Miss Pat on Who is the new oppressor in post Independence?

Can someone answer me truly why is it that Africans who live in Africa cannot unite get rid of corrupt govt.(s) and become one nation I know it sounds simple but what is the real problem was it divide and conquer. I don't know as a descendant of African slaves I know the problem in the US we were brainwashed and stripped of culture identity, and lanquage etc. so why can't Africans in Africa get together get rid of the problem causers the outside influnce etc.

African Oracle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"What you wrote below sinks beneath naivete. You are stuck in a time warp, regurgitating OLD CANARDS that are of little relevance today and betray fundamental ignorance of African reality." - Ayittey
I always think you can do better than this.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Mwananchi] Re: Where is Miss Pat on Who is the new oppressor in post Independence?


What you wrote below sinks beneath naivete. You are stuck in a time
warp, regurgitating OLD CANARDS that are of little relevance today and
betray fundamental ignorance of African reality.

You write AS IF Congo is the ONLY African country where the people were
subjugated or oppressed and that oppression would not have been possible
without the support of the CIA. This statement of yours carries the
implication that apart from Congo, ALL other African countries have been
FREE. Such nonsense.

For your information, in 1990, only 4 out of the 54 African countries
were democratic. Today, the number is a paltry 16. Political tyranny is
still the order of the day in the vast majority of the African
countries. Your statement seems to suggest that the CIA, because of its
support for Mobutu, is behind all this oppression. Such nonsense.

Tell us who supported:

1. Mengistu of Ethiopia,
2. Siad Barre of Somalia,
3. Sani Abacha of NIgeria,
4. Mattieu Kerekou of Benin,
5. Ghaddafi of Libya,
6. Idi Amin of Uganda,
7. Mugabe of Zimbabwe,
8, Beshir of Sudan,
9. Taya of Mauritania,

and on and on and on.

To come and tell us that the CIA alone is behind the oppression of
Africans is, to say the least, RIDICULOUS.

George Ayittey,
Washington, DC

Msjoe and netters:
Africans at home and in the Diaspora  know of  the CIA's  support of
Dictator Mobutu Ssese Seko.kuku Wazabanga.....a support without which
the total  and complete subjugation of the Congolese people  would have
been impossible.  The statistics presented by  nyatsimba below , is but
a known fact to many of us Africans. ..of course  Washington now
dismisses it's support of Mobutu with a waive of the hand , while
arguing that the support was neccessary because Washington  was engaged
in a "cold war"  rivary between n
the "west" and the communist  "east" ..and that Mobutu was an allie in
the cold war. Mention is not made of
the fact that man many Africans died under Mobutu reign of terror. It is
suprising that no congolese has
directly held the US accountable  for the suffering of Congolese
citizens under Mobutu. One would think
that some smart Congolese could have should have taken the US governemnt
to the courts..if I may say so!!


     Hello Ms Pat:
     Good evening from Eastern Standard Time. I am very much interested
in your inquiry, if you know the answer. To facilitate, we
     can exchange notes on what  happened after independence as we come
by them. Can you please click the reference below
     Nyatsimba's email? Please, do not forget to come back on when it
happened and if those Africans stood a chance to get rid of
     Mobutu who was ably fortified by?????
     As I said, my request is simple - just reasonable analyses based on
the known. You can add practicalities to reasonableness.
     In a message dated 3/15/2005 5:14:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

         Interesting article:

         "In recent years U.S. policy has stressed the need for good
governance in Africa. Most Africans view this as a
         supreme irony given Washington’s quarter-century of active
support for Africa’s most notorious and
         antidemocratic ruling crook, Mobutu. Between 1962 and 1991, the
U.S. directly supported Mobutu (with close to
         $150 million in CIA bribes and secret payments) and his
government (with more than $1.03 billion in development
         aid and $227.4 million in military assistance). It even
provided transport for foreign troops used to suppress
         anti-Mobutu rebellions in 1977 and 1978.

         The U.S. also helped funnel World Bank loans and IMF credits to
Mobutu’s government, even though internal
         documents reveal that these agencies knew in advance the money
was likely to be stolen and the loans unlikely to
         be repaid. Mobutu used IMF and World Bank loans to repay
Zaire’s private creditors, thereby transforming
         private debt into public debt now amounting to almost $14

         Mobutu reciprocated by providing bases and supply routes for
UNITA rebels and by backing the U.S. in various
         arenas. For instance, as chair of the UN Security Council in
the months immediately prior to the Gulf War, Zaire was
         crucial in rallying support for the U.S.-led military

         [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

             Hello Pat:
             Happy Spring Century.
             There is functional independence and nominal independence.
Yes, African gained nominal
             independence. Go to the books and read that. Pat, can you
explain why colonial masters saw it
             necessary to be fomenting coup d'etats after post-colonial
Africa? Do me a favor. I have lost my copy
             on Belgian's complicity in Lumumba's death. Do you have a
             Be cautioned, I am not into white man versus black man and
other conspiracies. I just need facts and
             reasonable analyses based on the known. Who is the new
oppressor? Of course we cannot let current
             African leaders off the hook if they fail to uplift. But I
still want you to tell whether the old debauchers
             actually left.
                In a message dated 3/15/2005 2:30:08 P.M. Eastern
Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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