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'Museveni Wants Peace to Retire'


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Hudson Apunyo

The district Movement chairman, Mr Sam Engola, has said President Yoweri Museveni will retire after he has achieved total peace for the country.

"Museveni wants to make sure that there is total peace in Uganda and then step down from power," Engola said. Engola was speaking on a talk show on Rhino FM on Saturday. He was hosted together with Apac woman MP, Ms Betty Amongi Ochwa.

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When Amongi asked Engola why Museveni had not achieved peace in the last 19 years, Engola said the opposition had been fighting him.

Amongi dismissed Engola's claim that the opposition had hindered peace. She said Museveni and Joseph Kony were responsible for the insecurity in northern Uganda. She said Museveni wants to stay in power to continue to loot the wealth of the country.

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Amongi said peace talks should continue because they had made top LRA commanders to surrender making Kony weaker.

Engola blamed Lango MPs for not presenting the problems of the people to the government. But Amongi said Lango MPs were the most respected in Parliament.

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