*Comrade Yoga Adhola,

Thank you for the document: Patriotism and neo-traditionalism in Buganda:
the KabakaYekka (The King Alone) Movement, 1961-1962. Journal of African

I was disappointed that the focus of this text is on the structure and
office holders of KY then.

My interest was/is to assert the truth that it is Kabaka Yekka that
introduced violence into Uganda's body politic, (!961-1962).

This document hardly even refers to this aspect. For that matter I have no
time to go off in some wild-goose-chase discussing it.

It is interesting though that the White man, the British,  I.R. Hancock,
mentions his interaction with KY Secretary General Masembe-Kabali.

May he have been an MI6 like William Pike was in the Luweero triangle?

Surely I would not go, for example, to William Pike for a redemptive account
of the Luweero
Neither to Musevini's cheerleader, Ms Els De Temmerman, of the New Vision,
the author of "Aboke Girls", about the sodomy extermination etc of our
people in Acholi.

They are all mercenaries thriving on our decay, like maggots.

You have to note however that throughout, these KY fellows question the
'royalty' to Mengo/(Kabaka) of us in Masaka (Buddu, Mawogola, Kooki, Kabula
and Ssese).

Note also that at no time did KY conflict with British interests or

Note also the explicit understanding between KY and UPC to destroy/eliminate
DP (page 427).

The core leadership of KY was King's College Budo Old Boys. (Your Alma
mater). The ecxeption being Francis Walugembe.

Note also the oblique reference to the stealing of the 1962 elections in
Buganda. ( Hon Eriya Kategaya has also asserted that Uganda's Independence
election was stollen for UPC by the British. You have seen this claim I am
very positive)

It is on page 432 that in a William Pike like fashion this Hanock fellow
refers to the wanton arson and murder in Masaka as "crude intimidation and
clever electioneering"

Ronald Muwenda Mutebi, the present Kabaka of Buganda has referred to the
late AbuMayanja as a patriot or was it nationalist. A sick joke !!

It is interesting that on page 432 Mayanja's main pre-occupation was "to
impress Europeans and Asians"

So you see Brother Adhola, there is nothing in this document, on the blood
and tears of our dear ones in Masaka District in that dark pre-independence

One revelation I was not aware of was that the financing of KY was by some
Indian merchants. That is new to me.(page 428)

Thanks all the same.

Mitayo Potosi
*Comrade Ochieno,

You want to limit issues to a "free" Uganda?
I guess that is, after 9th October 1962.

By that yardstick the self rule period under Ben Kiwanuka has no bearing on
what has transpired since then.

But that is the period of my focus.
You are free to  give an analysis of another period of your choice.

Let us also zero in on specifics and individuals.

Donkey years have been wasted on meaningless generalities like:

Baganda are bad/conceited/insular or whatever.
Acholi are brutal.
Batooro are lazy.
Banyankole are thieves.
Bakiga are the most hardworking and most intelligent people in the world!!

As Museveni has always correctly told us: "A stupid people deserve nothing
but slavery" !!


On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 6:07 PM, Hello! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Facts and truths are usually massaged when there are undercurrents of
emotions involved. While we advance our interests we also have to see facts
and truths squarely in the eye. Only then can we negotiate the future with
honor and respect from the other side and, hopefully lead to a peaceful and
prosperous co-existence.

So, where and how did the gun politics in a "free" Uganda originate?

Read the rest at:
 Origins of Gun Politics in a "Free"

*Odiyatalks* <http://odiyatalks.9hz.com/>

--- On *Mon, 10/27/08, Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
 From: Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Ugnet] Origins of gun politics in a free Uganda
To: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" <ugandanet@kym.net>
Date: Monday, October 27, 2008, 11:51 AM

*Re: Origins of gun politics in a free Uganda*

*Comrade Ochieno,*

*I am sorry but your narrative as to when violence was introduced into our
body-politic, is disingenuously flawed, and incoherent.*

*You talk about a pre-independence period, and then jump to the fall-out
between KY and Obote, and subsequent intrigues.*

*As to how KY came to be, and later, how it became so emboldened to take on,
in a quasi-military confrontation, the Central Govt., you don't say.*

*Please note that Ben Kiwanuka was the first Prime Minister for the period
before independence. *
*For some reason the British never wanted to leave Uganda with Kiwanuka at
the head.*

*It was then that Kabaka Yekka was formed, for the purposes of divide and
rule. *

*But it soon emerged that spreading Kabaka Yekka into Masaka District,
Kiwanuka's home district and a predominantly Catholic area (as compared to
the more Anglican rest of Buganda), was going to be a difficult task.*

*Comrade Ochieno, I remember very well the political violence that the
Kabaka Yekka goons unleashed on our people in Masaka District, to force KY
down our throats.*

*Banana plantations were erased. *
*People's houses were set on fire. *
*Innocents were murdered/assassinated. *
*Fascistic KY militants were marauding everywhere with 'jambiyas',  cutting
Achilles tendons of our herds of cattle.*

*Those were very traumatic times in Masaka District. *
*The rest of Uganda didn't even seem to care or notice!!*

*We were accused by Mengo of being a fifth column of traitors against the

Some accuse Obote of introducing, in 1980, the thieving of elections in
This again is plain false.

Kabaka Yekka stole the pre-independence elections in Buganda.

If you doubt this check the archives. In the Kalungu Bukomansimbi Villa
Maria constituency, Kiwanuka's home area, the total vote that was recorded
to humiliate Kiwanuka was a lousy thirteen votes.
Ask one Mzee Ssempebwa the Mengo returning officer then. (assuming he is
still alive?)

*UPC was in a love-fest with KY and they never cared since most of those
that were dying were assumed to be Kiwanuka's DP's. *

*Of course the British imperialists (who were the primary architects of the
mayhem) never batted an eye lid. *

*Arch Bishop Monsignor Joseph Kiwanuka at Lubaga condemned this oppression
and violence and cautioned Kabaka Mutesa to cease this sectarian politics. *

*Kabak Yekka had been so emboldened by the inaction and silence of the
British and UPC, that they marched to Lubaga to arrest the Arch Bishop for
daring to disagree with Muteesa. *

*They arrested his private Secretary Father Joseph Ssebayigga (he passed
away about two years ago).*

*No wonder then that when, in later years, Kabaka Yekka fell out with Obote
they attempted to take him on, violently.*

*That is where you Ochieno now start your narrative. *
*Please call your narrative 'The second wave of violence', by an emboldened
KY. *

*You reap what you sow !! *
*Obote had nurtured the rabid dogs against us from Masaka, and now they were
coming to bite him.*

*There is another and similar hollow narrative. *

*That the genocide in Rwanda started on the day after the downing of
the Habyalimana plane.*

*Hey hey, it seems we are perfecting the game of the 'Big Lie' .*

*When we were dying in Masaka, those in Luweero never cared !!
How many Ugandans that still remember children roasted in railway wagons
(the Mukula massacre) and the scorched earth policies of mass murder,
looting and rape in Teso?
*Who is now caring when our brothers and sisters in Acholi are dying?*
*Who is going to be next?*

*How come we don't seem to learn?*
*Why are so many intent on distorting our history?*

*Some say Obote introduced violence into our body-politic, in 1966; and now
this Ochieno twists the lie; that violence was introduced in 1966, but by
others and not Obote !!*

*Why all this twist to cover up the real truth ?*

*Mitayo Potosi.*

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