Of course the independence elections were stolen by the British for UPC and
Kabaka Yekka.
We started on a fraud from the word go !!
The local running dogs in UPC and in Mengo sold us to the slave master !!*

 *INSIDE SOURCE:* | Bernard Tabaire


  After 47 years of rotten bananas, we may be in for a few more of cabbage
Once upon a time, a certain African country we shall simply call Country,
became independent, somewhat, of its colonial master. On D-Day, very serious
inhabitants of Country talked big. “Time has come, compatriots, for us to
take our destiny in our own hands,” the leader thundered, his fist thumping
the air above and in front of him. “Never again shall we be subjugated in
our own land, the land of our ancestors by racist and rapacious outsiders.
Tonight is the night, midnight is the long-awaited hour. Long Live Country!
Long Live Africa! Long Live the Black Race! For God and My Country!”

Long Live ... Long Live ... The assembled throngs roared back in ecstatic
approval. Euphoria was in the air, in the water, everywhere in the land.
Country was all charming with its mountains whose snow peaks kissed the
moon, several fresh water lakes heaving with delicious fish, elegant rivers
giving forth life, sizeable tropical forests that took care of the
equatorial sun, an ecosystem in some parts unique enough to harbour equally
unique great apes. Country’s ethnic and cultural diversity held real promise
and all hoped that this was a heritage that would be cultivated to forge a
glorious future. Indeed, Country was said to have very good prospects, in
fact better than most of its peers, to do well in the decades ahead.

In an act of “wilful suspension of disbelief”, however, everyone ignored
troubling red lights in the distance. The election leading up to uhuru had
been stolen, exactly the sort of act that makes bananas of countries. Nobody
cared. Then came 1980 and 2001 and 2006. The year 2011 will come as well.
Never mind 1967 when the first election after independence was not held
simply because the senior-most leader disliked the inconveniencing idea.

There were other more menacing signs, the type that would wrench Country’s
gut. The much vaunted ethnic diversity would prove an enduring challenge
with different groups pulling in different directions. It did not help that
the various leaders of Country would come up short and prove themselves
midgets when faced with migraine-inducing problems. Instead of talking
things over, haggling, and eventually cutting deals in open national fora,
they decided that the backdoor was the better course because it produced
quicker results. When those results proved fleeting as they were bound to,
Country’s top leaders resorted to guns, jails, and exile to get their way.
>From 1964 to the present, gunfire has played a significant and dangerous
part in Country’s politics. Some think that is not a bad thing, after all
when different types of guns – AK 47s, rocket propelled grenades,
sub-machine guns, Uzis, bazookas – are fired simultaneously all over the
place they make for reasonably good music. And if a few wananchi die and
some property is destroyed in the process, that is a small price to pay to
create a proper banana republic.

All the while, the powerful line their pockets. They steal and they brag
about it – the rest of you can go jump off the highest cliff as and when you
please. It is wild out there. If you do not eat, you get eaten whole – or at
least your liver gets chewed up. True, banana republics can be cannibalistic
at the same time.

But the people of Country – after a long, long time submitting to the will
of double-faced and double-tongued leaders – are beginning to refuse to be
eaten. They want jungle life ended. The way they are going about it,
however, is wanting. Instead of fighting back and eating one or two livers
of national leaders, they are retreating into familiar and seemingly
comfortable zones – just like the psychologists said. The enemy appears
insurmountable. The ancient tribe, therefore, becomes a safer place to be
complete with virulent assertions of ethnic this and that. They thus play
into the hands of national megalomaniacs who are believers in the old
strategy of divide and rule. They also forget that ethnically-based
governments may throw up their own deadly kleptomaniacs. Or maybe not.
Things could turn out great and a true independence would begin.

In the meantime, though, the people of Country are living the disorienting
reality of Orwell’s animals. They are looking here and there, from pig to
man and from man to pig and back again. From racist and rapacious outsiders
to tribalistic and rapacious insiders intent on going one further by turning
the banana republic into a cabbage republic. The people cannot tell the
difference anymore. They may well have lived a lie these past 47 years.
Long Live Country! Long Live Africa! Long Live the Black Race! For God and
My, eh, My, eh, Ever Expanding Wallet!
Happy 47th, compatriots.

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