<http://www.inquisitr.com/author/nathan-francis/> NATHAN FRANCIS

A viral report is claiming that Dr. Daniel Fleck was found dead just hours 
after he released Hillary Clinton’s secret medical records showing that the 
Democratic candidate is suffering from frequent seizures and advancing dementia.

The reports have circulated across conspiracy theory sites and far-right news 
organizations, and taken off on Twitter, part of a series of reports claiming 
that Clinton is secretly in failing health.

But like the series of previous reports connecting Hillary Clinton to the 
mysterious deaths of those who oppose her, the report that Dr. Daniel Fleck was 
found dead has no basis in reality.

The report originates from a conspiracy theory blog called  
<http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2089.htm> WhatDoesItMean.com, which claimed 
that Fleck is the father of Dr. Lisa Bardack, Hillary Clinton’s actual doctor. 
In July, Bardack published a  
 health report affirming that Clinton is in good health and is fit to assume 
the presidency should she be elected.

But the conspiracy theory report from WhatDoesItMean.com claimed that a Russian 
intelligence service found that Dr. Daniel Fleck was found dead after releasing 
the “real” report on Clinton’s health, which had drastically different findings.

“The Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is reporting today that the continuing 
to grow list of mysterious deaths surrounding U.S. presidential candidate 
Hillary Clinton has increased after the father of the doctor treating her for 
dementia suddenly died this past weekend — and who is believed to have been 
behind the leaking of her most secret medical records.”

It turns out that almost none of the report is true, however.  
 Snopes contacted a colleague of Dr. Daniel Fleck who confirmed that “the 
physician was alive and well.”

The reports of Hillary Clinton’s allegedly ill health appear to be fabricated 
as well. They were first published through the Twitter account  
<https://twitter.com/HillsMedRecords/with_replies> @HillsMedRecords, but 
quickly deleted. Still, the alleged medical documents found a life on Twitter, 
including a re-tweet from a Donald Trump impersonator.

 <http://twitter.com/P0TUSTrump/status/763053532844953600/photo/1> View image 
on Twitter



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 <https://twitter.com/P0TUSTrump> Donald J. Trump @P0TUSTrump

Well, Hillary Clinton's medical records have been leaked. As I have stated, she 
is ill. Here's proof.  <https://twitter.com/hashtag/illaryClinton?src=hash> 

12:45 PM - 9 Aug 2016 

The medical records were dismissed as forgeries, however, with critics noting 
that they looked nothing like the official letterhead that Bardack released on 
her assessment of Clinton’s health.

The report claiming that Dr. Daniel Fleck was found dead shortly after 
releasing Hillary Clinton’s medical records is not the first time that a 
conspiracy theory has tried to pin a mysterious death on the Democratic 
candidate. Within the past few weeks, a number of report have claimed that 
Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was murdered just before 
planning to speak out against election fraud committed on Clinton’s behalf — or 
possibly that he was murdered in retribution for leaking DNC emails. Rich had 
been shot to death while walking in his Washington, D.C., neighborhood at close 
to 4 a.m. on July 10.

That speculation went into overdrive this week when WikiLeaks, the organization 
that released the emails, offered a $20,000 reward for information that leads 
to the arrest of whoever killed Rich. Days later, WikiLeaks founder Julian 
Assange appeared to insinuate that 
 Seth Rich was an anonymous source for the organization.

But Rich’s parents have said they agree with the assessment of police that he 
was killed in a robbery gone wrong, and even issued a public statement this 
week calling on people to stop politicizing his death with baseless conspiracy 

“That said, some are attempting to politicize this horrible tragedy, and in 
their attempts to do so, are actually causing more harm that good and impeding 
on the ability for law enforcement to properly do their job,” said spokesman 
Brad Bauman via  
Business Insider. “For the sake of finding Seth’s killer, and for the sake of 
giving the family the space they need at this terrible time, they are asking 
for the public to refrain from pushing unproven and harmful theories about 
Seth’s murder.”


 <https://twitter.com/BenjySarlin>  Follow

 <https://twitter.com/BenjySarlin> Benjy Sarlin 

 <https://twitter.com/BenjySarlin> ✔@BenjySarlin

What's weirdest about the BS Clinton health stories on the right is...why? 
What's the political benefit? <https://t.co/STq2n8yMC4> 

5:25 PM - 12 Aug 2016 


Despite the apparently debunked report that Dr. Daniel Fleck was found dead 
hours after releasing Hillary Clinton’s secret medical records, the story still 
appears to have legs and continues to get coverage from a number of websites 
and shares on social media.

[Photo by David Calvert/Getty Images]



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 





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