Obama’s New War in Uganda 

By Doug Bandow <https://www.cato.org/people/doug-bandow>  

This article appeared on American Spectator (Online)
<http://www.spectator.org/>  on October 31, 2011.

Money burns a hole in the pocket of some people. Power does the same for
some presidents. How else to explain President Barack Obama's creation of
his own variant of Germany's fabled Afrika Korps, to serve in a small
guerrilla war in Uganda?

It has been more than ten years since America was at peace. If President
Obama has his way it will be many more years before U.S. troops stop
fighting somewhere on earth.

After the demise of the Soviet Union left America as the globe's dominant
power, Washington made war commonplace. Bombing, invading, and occupying
other nations became just another policy initiative advanced by presidents
on both sides of the partisan aisle.

President George H.W. Bush had Panama and Iraq. President Bill Clinton
intervened in Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, and Kosovo. President George W. Bush
invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. President Obama adopted Afghanistan as his
own, before adding Libya and now Uganda.

These conflicts had surprisingly little to do with American security. Only
Afghanistan — the initial phase, targeting al-Qaeda for 9/11 and punishing
the Taliban regime for hosting Osama bin Laden — was a defensive action. The
first Gulf War responded to aggression, but not against the U.S.

Most of the other interventions were militarized social work, intervening
where the U.S. had little or no plausible security interest. Unfortunately,
rarely did the humanitarian consequences match the initial expectations.

Somalia and Haiti look little different than before American military
action. U.S. intervention in Kosovo and Iraq sparked additional violence and
human rights abuses — including from Washington's new allies. Bosnia and
Kosovo remain unstable quasi-states, held together only by allied pressure.

The nation-building exercise in Afghanistan has no end in sight. U.S. and
European officials insist that military withdrawal in 2014 will be followed
by even more intensive involvement — for years or decades. The future of
Libya, after NATO's deceitful campaign of regime change conducted in the
name of humanitarianism, is anyone's guess.

Now there's Uganda. President Obama has sent 100 military personnel to
Uganda to help destroy the so-called Lord's Resistance Army and kill or
capture the LRA's bizarre leader, Joseph Kony. The president explained to
Congress: "I believe that deploying these U.S. Armed Forces furthers
national security interests and foreign policy."

Fighting the LRA obviously does not promote American security. To encourage
American support, Uganda's acting Foreign Minister, Henry Okello Oryem,
played the T card: "For 20 years, the government Uganda has been pleading
with our American and European friends to help in the LRA problem, because
these are international terrorists."

International terrorists? In fact, that's nonsense: the LRA
(mischaracterized as "Christian") is a garden variety, if extra brutal,
insurgent force. Whatever Kony's ambitions, striking the U.S. is not among

The group doesn't even threaten the rule of Ugandan President Yoweri
Museveni. The LRA has committed more than its share of murder and mayhem
over the years, but has shrunk dramatically in size and capability. The LRA
now is estimated at between 200 and 400 fighters, a tenth the number of just
a few years ago — and without any heavy weapons. They are enough to unsettle
a province, not destabilize a country, let alone a continent.

What foreign policy interests are allegedly being served? Some in Washington
believe that there is nothing in the world which is not a "vital interest"
for America. But as the globe's superpower, the U.S. could — and should —
remain aloof from most of the tragic but common conflicts which dot the
globe. Especially with its problems at home, Washington should not become
the counter-insurgency force for the world.

Yet, the president explained, while U.S. personnel are initially being
deployed to Uganda, they are to "provide assistance to regional forces" and
could end up in the Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, and/or South Sudan as well. Columnist Michael Gerson argued that
"this is not an American humanitarian intervention. It is American aid for
an African humanitarian intervention."

However, Washington already has checked that box. The U.S. has been
providing military assistance to Uganda since 2008. This summer Uganda
shared with Burundi about $45 million worth of American equipment, including
four drones. In 2009 the U.S. Africa Command helped the Ugandan military
plan a series of strikes called Operation Lightning Thunder. Washington also
has provided aid to militaries from Congo and South Sudan to combat the LRA.

Alas, none of these steps have had much effect.

The latest move might still count as mere "aid" for someone else's
intervention if the mission was only intelligence sharing. But the
administration is sending combat-ready forces to the front line. The claim
that they will only fight in self-defense is meaningless: Americans will be
on the spot aiding Ugandan forces taking offensive action. The LRA could not
help but see the U.S. as just another enemy.

Ugandan President Museveni understands that Americans are likely to end up
in combat. With obvious embarrassment he protested too much: "I cannot
accept foreign troops to come and fight for us. We have the capacity to
fight our wars." Museveni added: "Better to call them U.S. personnel, not

As always, humanitarianism provides an emotional appeal for going to war.
But if Uganda is the standard, is there anywhere American forces may not now
be sent?

The LRA's record is appalling, but the organization is a shadow of its
former self. Total deaths caused by the guerrillas over the last three years
are estimated to run around 2,500 to 3,000. Horrible though that is, such a
casualty toll is a rounding error in the conflicts that typically attract
outside involvement.

Humanitarian intervention usually is advanced to stop genocide and mass
murder. Even then there are persuasive arguments against intervening, but at
least the number of cases is few. However, hundreds and thousands of people
routinely die in civil strife around the world. Now there no longer is any
meaningful threshold before Washington is ready to go to war. Max Fisher of
the Atlantic correctly called this deployment "a small but important shift
in how, when, and why the U.S. uses military force."

Moreover, the mission has no obvious endpoint. Administration officials have
said the operation is expected to last "months." Objectives range from
capturing Kony to building local "capacity." Kenneth Roth of Human Rights
Watch even has advocated using U.S. forces "to arrest" Kony and other LRA
commanders for presentation to the International Criminal Court.

Providing combat advisers also is a predictable precursor to deploying
troops, as in Vietnam. Thankfully the LRA is not the Viet Cong, but
administration officials told a congressional hearing that the Americans
troops will be "equipped for combat." Any casualties would create pressure
for escalation, since, it would be charged, Washington would lose
credibility if it backed down. One can imagine the immediate chorus for
full-scale war.

Worse, the fact that the Ugandan government has not been able to defeat the
LRA suggests that not all is well with Washington's latest military ally.
Gerson endorsed aiding America's "friends," but is Museveni really a friend?

The LRA grew out of years of civil war in Uganda: Acholi tribesmen in the
north distrusted Museveni, who displaced Idi Amin as dictator in 1979 only
to establish his own (admittedly softer) dictatorship. Justine Labeja, who
represented the LRA in unsuccessful peace talks five years ago, contended:
"You can cut off the head of Kony and kill the commanders, but that won't
help the people of northern Uganda, marginalized over so many years."

Perhaps the question should not be, why is there violent opposition to the
government, but why is there not more violent opposition to the government?
President Museveni was reelected earlier this year in a dubious vote;
Amnesty International cited reports of "numerous instances of electoral
violence and human rights abuses."

Amnesty added that "law enforcement officials committed human rights
violations, including unlawful killings and torture." Human Rights Watch
criticized the illegal prosecution of civilians in military courts. Worse,
author Pepe Escobar reported: "Museveni's government (helped by Washington)
has also perpetrated horrendous massacres against civilians," with at least
20,000 dead.

Even the latest State Department acknowledged: "Serious human rights
problems in the country included arbitrary killings; vigilante killings; mob
and ethnic violence; torture and abuse of suspects and detainees; harsh
prison conditions; official impunity; arbitrary and politically motivated
arrest and detention; incommunicado and lengthy pretrial detention;
restrictions on the right to a fair trial and on freedom of speech, press,
assembly, and association; restrictions on opposition parties; electoral
irregularities; official corruption;" and more.

In any case, the LRA mission should not be viewed in isolation. While one
deployment of 100 men is but a blip for the Pentagon spending machine, the
military budget is made up of a multitude of such interventions, big and
small. This is the first combat deployment in Africa since Somalia two
decades ago and the first by the U.S. Africa Command. In fact, in defending
the current military budget — roughly double the inflation-adjusted level of
a decade ago — the administration is warning that Washington might not be
able to intervene so often in Africa. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta
testified: "[J]ust by virtue of the numbers that we're dealing with, we will
probably have to reduce our presence elsewhere, presence perhaps in Latin
America, presence in Africa."

The president's new Afrika Korps demonstrates how the "Defense" Department
only rarely does defense these days. Most money goes for offense —
intervening hither and yon for reasons having nothing to do with protecting
America or Americans. With a world filled with various guerrilla bands,
separatist factions, and terrorist groups, the potential for more wars is
almost infinite.

The world would be a better place if evil was eradicated. But war has proved
to be a very poor humanitarian tool. The Obama administration should be
pulling U.S. troops out of wars, not intervening in more conflicts. 

Doug Bandow <https://www.cato.org/people/doug-bandow>  is a Senior Fellow at
the Cato Institute and the Senior Fellow in International Religious
Persecution at the Institute on Religion and Public Policy. 

EM         -> { Trump for 2020 }

On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 


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