

Way back in the 70’s, during the years some of us were proud to publicly
identify ourselves as Ugandans, Amin’s government pushed the issue of Uganda
local languages to be used both internally and externally. The time of Obote
one government, where kids were whacked in school for they had used Luganda
on a school compass than English ended. I remember when we travelled to
France  and Uganda embassy at that time, had the largest Uganda library,
where any one at a no charge would walk in, and read all books you wanted as
long as they were written in a Uganda local language. The Zinunula Omunaku’s
were in Paris, I remember prayer books including hymn books in Uganda local
languages, and all the what have you all were in stock.


Fast forward to 2019 and walk into the store that brings us Uganda products
into Toronto, we get Matooke, we get millet, we get Cassava powder, we get
Muzigo, Curry powder is here, and that is to mention only the packed
products. I am leaving out the loose products as Menvu, Bikajjo, Lumonde
also comes loose. My concern is in only the packed and labeled product. We
get a very sizable supply and fresh, these things fly in twice a week.


When you look closely at all those packed products, Uganda has no single
product with a single word written in a local language. All labels are
written in English to a point that if the word Uganda was available in
English, they would have written that one too in English. At a rate Uganda
is exporting its products these days, “one would think”, that the relative
ministries would pick up on that traffic to promote Uganda and what it owns
at home. One would think that entities like Mengo would push the Luganda
language to show up on some of the products out of Buganda. One would think
that individuals that are making a killing out of these products, would love
the country producing them to a point of promoting their  local languages to
the international community.


It just happens that most of the people making decisions in our country, on
politics, on trade, even attacking Iddi Amin in Uganda forums, many are
actually none-Ugandans but mostly Rwandese. What happened to Ugandans? Where
are they? When will Ugandans take their country back? When will Ugandans
make Uganda great again? Strangely I am a member of several Rwanda forums,
the day I attack Rwanda or its present or past leaders, is the day I am
thrown out.


Which takes me back to the very original question, why are Rwandese given
such an open boarder policy on UAH, to attack Uganda and its leaders, past
and present?                -> Just asking !!!!!!


EM         -> { Trump for 2020 }

On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 


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