

A blind spot is valuable when you’re driving a car, it enables you to see
what you cannot see on the side of your car, Ugandans discuss their
political structure using that spot to hide in issues they just do not want
to talk about. They pick them up and throw them in the blind spot and
continue driving the narrative they want. This morning as I was responding
to Peter Simon Okurut, I raised the shutting down of the West Nile. From
April 11th 1979 to January 29th 1986 West Nile did not have a government
service. It is very strange how we picked up that information and simply
threw it into the blind spot and moved on with our lives. And here are the
questions I need you to ask your selves, how did pregnant women have babies?
How were broken bones repaired? How were those bitten by snakes treated?
There was totally no government in West Nile for I was working in Uganda
Posts at the time and the counter collecting the mail heading into the West
Nile in Kampala General post office was closed. Buses were not going, for
the road was closed off. Buses were stopped to go there, and the power
supply they had was cut off. The people that died in West Nile at the time
never got a death certificate for the government was officially closed.


Why don’t we talk about this genocide? Because we picked it up and threw it
into the blind spot of Uganda politics and moved on.


Peter Simon Okurut has just barbed how West Nile had a government for it
even had elected MPs, Friends that is a very annoying statement, and that
explains how Ugandans were driven to poring Kerosene into the ass of Acholi
to go home and die slow.  And the word was direct, Acholi should stop to
think that they have a monopoly on violence. Allow me to explain to you what
Okurut has just puked out. When that election came in, the road to West Nile
was already closed and Uganda’s map was ending in Lango. All political
parties did not campaign in both Apach and Arua districts. UPC got
candidates that were sitting in the Nile mansion and announced them as the
candidates of the two districts. They never held a single campaign in West
Nile, they never held an election office in West Nile,  and they never went
to West Nile even one time for at the time the two districts were un
passable. As by the Uganda gazette of the 5th December 1980 Vol.LXX111, No 3
{You can actually order this document from your public reference library}
UPC filled the following names :- 


Apac District

Apac South Makmot Okello, Henry Milton Bonima

Apac Central Omodi-Okot, Bernard Stanley

Apac North Dr. Ojok Newton Isaac


Arua District

Arua North  Samuel kenyi

Arua West   Yuma John

Arua South West  Bandanyanya Ronal Nathan

Arua Central Asubo Makarios

Arua South  Butere Anthony Logudo


Those people stood in Kampala and declared the un opposed candidates to
represent the two districts in West Nile, they never visited the districts
even when they were in parliament. Peter Simon Okurut is preaching today how
West Nile had members of parliament that represented them to the government
in case they had any problem. That kind of throwing issues in the blind
sport hurts the population of West Nile for what Okurut has stated is the
greatest insult to the population that were marginalized that much. pOcure
has  made a call very many times that Ugandans must stop to be angry at each
other, and start to build their country, friends on the way Peter Simon
Okurut has pissed at the people of West Nile, Not a God damn chance.
Governments are going to continue changing in Uganda and one region is going
to become attacked. And in those rounds as they are going, one time it is
going to be firkin Eastern Uganda.


And I have followed Uganda politics, way long to lie to you this Toronto
after noon.


Blind spots are not only in Uganda politics it is also in the American
politics. George Floyd dies and they scream bloody murder, on the 4th of
July Devon McNeal get shot in the head at age 11 and dies in New York, they
throw that death to the blind spot and move on. It works for a while but I
tell you when a political party wins an election through the schemes UPC did
and you turn around to piss at the West Nilers, the political party you are
protecting goes out in ash. I came to this city when the Democratic party
was a very strong party, one of the reasons I need Joe Biden to win this
election, is because he can seal the death of that party. There is not a
single party that has ever allowed militarists to use it and survives, Black
Lives Matter is simply  too huge for the party to control. At the end of the
day Black Lives Matter is going to eat the party from the inside. Think
about this, they do not have a leader, they have no office yet the death of
George Floyd raised 50 million dollars, and no one knows where it ended up.
Why are they that strong. Because now they have a political party behind
them. I have been talking to a friend in New York this afternoon, actually
BLM does not only want to shut the police down, they want money spent to run
the city given to blacks. New York has cut the funding of the garbage
collectors and today there are piles of garbage in middle of the city. This
has nowhere to go but to blow up in the face of Joe Biden


It all starts with all of us as a population throwing the problems in our
country into the blind spot, UPC did not know that the West Nile problem in
the blind spot is going to eat the entire political party and yet here we so
are today.


Peter Simon Okurut enjoy the ice cream when you still have it in your hands.

EM         -> { Trump for 2020 }

On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 


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