
in the current UIMA API there are no classes provided to install a pear file out of the box. There are classes available that can be used, but they are not well documented and the user must know lots of details to get it work. I get more and more requests from users that run into that issue, so I think we should provide a simple way to install a pear file with an API so that it can be accessed from an application.

My thought was to have a PearInstaller class with an installPearPackage method in a way like

PearInstaller.installPearPackage(File installDir, File pearPackage, boolean verification, boolean installToRootDir, boolean localInstall)

to install pear packages easily within an application. The method may return a PackageBrowser object where the application can get all the details about the installed pear package. For users that need more details about the installation they can use the underlying classes and methods as well but for
all the others I think that would help extremely.

I already have implemented such a pear installer method several times so I would start integrating my work if nobody disagree.

What do you think?


-- Michael

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