On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Marshall Schor <m...@schor.com> wrote:
> Both Adam and Thilo want a better left-nav bar design - so let's
> discuss.  My thought was to move the most frequently accessed things (a
> guess, true) toward the top, and to shrink the list by eliminating
> groupings that didn't really seem (to me) to serve a purpose - and in
> place of this to just put those things that would have been in such a
> "general" group right at the top level.

I think moving frequently accessed things to the top is a good idea.
But to me, if you have an outline-style layout where you have headings
under which items appear, you need to have a heading for everything.
Here you have some things not under a heading, then 2 things grouped
under "Mailing Lists & Forums", then some more things that don't have
a heading.  That just looks really weird to me.

> If we go with Adam's initial suggestion, it is missing a bunch of links,
> that in the prototype are under the categories of Community,
> Development, and Events & Conferences - should we just keep those 3
> categories as proposed in the prototype?

That was what I meant, sorry it wasn't clear.  I wanted to suggest a
reorganization of the topmost parts, the rest was fine the way it is.

> Both Adam and Thilo want the paragraph on what is UIMA moved up to the
> top.  I was trying to balance that with the idea that a first time
> visitor to the website would want to get an impression - and the
> impression I wanted to convey was that this Apache project had not just
> UIMA (frameworks), but also Annotator components, etc.  Hence, the
> picture.
> I feel that the initial paragraph (in the current site), which says
> things like "UIMA is a framework..." - to be true, but if at the top,
> may give the initial impression that that's what this project is all
> about (instead of also being about Annotators, etc.).

I think it's a valid point that we want to make sure people know we
have more than just the framework.  I think it would do the trick to
have the "famous paragraph" first followed by this text:

Here you can find:
    * Frameworks
    * Components, and
    * Infrastructure,
all licensed under the Apache license.

It's nice that it's in a bulleted list so it should jump out at people.

Maybe it's possible to fit this side-by-side with the picture?  I
think an issue with the picture is that there ends up being a lot of
empty real estate to the sides of it, so it pushes all the text down.
I really think a newcomer really needs to have the key couple of
paragraphs (which should cover both the "What is UIMA" and "What do we
have to offer" topics) visible without scrolling, or else it will be
frustrating to them.


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