Tommaso Teofili wrote:
> Hi Thilo
> 2010/1/28 Thilo Goetz <>
>>  I've been thinking about this topic myself on and off
>> for a while.  I think it doesn't make much sense to
>> create a UIMA core OSGi bundle without OSGi-enabling
>> UIMA itself.  If you go the OSGi route, you want your
>> annotators to be bundles as well.  So you need to add
>> the ability to UIMA to load annotator OSGi bundles. I
>> don't think that would be too hard to do, but I'm not
>> sure it can be done in ways that are completely backward
>> compatible.  I would personally love to see OSGi bundles
>> replace our pear format.
>> Anyway, these are just my thoughts.  If there is
>> interest in really OSGiifying UIMA, that's something
>> I'd be interested in contributing to.
>> --Thilo
> I agree with your points indeed, in my opinion making all UIMA components
> OSGI bundles would be a real plus in the means of standards, distribution,
> interoperabilty and more. On the contrary it might be not so good to have 
> this change for deploying
> stuff in a non-OSGI environment so we should think about having alternative
> "packagings" for (backward) compatibility (for example using maven profiles,
> but it's just the first thing that comes to my mind).
> More over it could perhaps bring one more dependency (Felix?) inside UIMA so
> it would be another drawback.

We are already using Felix to build all of our Eclipse plugins, and
other OSGi components.
> An alternative would be having a UIMA OSGIfier for each of the UIMA base
> components but I don't like the idea very much and it could be a long way
> ...
> Thanks Thilo, I am interested in this OSGIfication, what do others think
> about it?

I'm somewhat interested, but don't really understand the
motivations/goals, and the "proposal" in enough detail to have a better
opinion.  It would help me to have a wiki page describing this (any

> Cheers,
> Tommaso

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