
To set the scene, my parents live in a village. It's sort of an L shape, and has just gained a shiny new BT FTTC box, somewhere around the corner of the L.

Houses down one leg of the L seem able to order this service, but from playing with the BT service checker widget, nobody on the other half of the L can, the checker just comes up with the old services, even when the house is right next to the box.

Since they're stuck with 2 meg on a good day right now, it'd be nice to get them on at least a 40/10 service. Does anyone know how many chickens I need to sacrifice to make this happen? We could go as far as a goat if needed.

I have a suspicion that it'll be something involving old exchange-only phone lines too, but I think they'll be more than happy to order a new one if it fixes this problem.


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