On Mon, 26 Sep 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That's a clever idea.

However, if Thomas is using the DOS boot disks, then he would need to boot
twice. Once to fdisk, and once to install.

Do you suppose it would be possible to make some sort of server side boot
counter that would delete the hex file after 2 boots instead of just one?
(Just curious. I have limited knowledge of server side stuff, but it's

My script is effectively a shell script reading the TFTP log file. If it sees a sucessful transfer to an IP, it converts that IP to a hex, and then does an unlink of that hex file in the config directory.

I think it would be fairly easy to add a counter. Right now the script doesn't keep any state at all.

I guess it would depend of what TFTP server/service you are using.

Ryan Go
Renaissance Technologies Corp.

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