This question isn't specifically about unattended, but I figure the people 
on this list have similar knowledge, so I'll ask:

I am happily using unattended 4.3 with the linux boot via PXE. My DHCP 
server is Windows. My TFTP server is Windows. My File server (where 
unattended is located) is Windows. As you can tell, I'm fluent with 
windows, but not so much with linux. 

I'm using PXELinux as the bootloader, because it supports a nice menu 
system for choosing to boot other utilities or disk images via memdisk. 

Symantec GHOST has some sort of Boot Image creator. When I run it, and 
choose all my options, it creates a boot image for me, but it creates it 
with a .SYS extension.

Does anyone know what the heck I'm supposed to do with this file? GHOST is 
remarkably unclear, because it expects me to know about my PXE 

Am I supposed to put it in my default configuration file? When I try, it 
doesn't boot. It just locks up. 

LABEL ghost
    KERNEL unattended/memdisk
    APPEND initrd=tools/ghost.sys keeppxe

It doesn't really look like a disk image, because it's over 2MB in size. 
Can anyone tell me if I'm on the right track?

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