Hugo Monteiro wrote:
> Hi Mario,
> I might have overlooked unattended-gui, so it might do just that. I'll 
> elaborate a bit now.
> All workstations are prepared to always boot from PXE, having as second 
> boot device the local hard disk.
> The default PXE boot presents a small menu with two choices, normal boot 
> (local hard disk) and maintenance boot (network boot).
> # cat /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
> DEFAULT menu.c32
> MENU TITLE Boot Options
> ONTIMEOUT chain.c32 hd0 1
> LABEL local
>     MENU LABEL ^Proceed normal boot
> LABEL install
>     MENU LABEL ^Maintenance
>     MENU PASSWD $4$o29hIUr3S$zajgflJvXUL2o94IQeJblILmCMUA$
>         KERNEL bzImage
>         APPEND initrd=initrd z_user=Administrator z_pass=secretpass 
> z_path=//
> Ok, now besides that file, i also have another boot file
> # cat /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/force-reinstall
> default unattended
> label unattended
>         KERNEL bzImage
> # Add options (z_user=..., z_path=..., etc.) to this line.
>         APPEND initrd=initrd z_user=Administrator z_pass=secretpass 
> z_path=//
> I have also made two small scripts that will basically create/remove a 
> symblink to each of these pxe configuration files.
> # cat /usr/local/bin/
> #!/bin/bash
> # In case the share/boot server is in the same network as the 
> workstations, you can grab the MAC_ADDR directly
> #ARP_ADDR=`arp -n | grep "$IP_ADDR " | awk '{print tolower($3)}' | sed 
> 's/:/-/g'`
> # In the case the share/boot server is also your dhcp server (ISC DHCP), 
> and have fixed ips, you can grab the MAC_ADDR from there
> #MAC_ADDR=`grep -i $1 /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf | grep "#" | awk '{print 
> tolower($3)}' | sed 's/:/-/g'`
> # In the case this machine is just a file/boot server, in a different 
> network. We can try grabbing from unattended MAC declarations
> MAC_ADDR=`grep -i $1 
> /home/samba/unattended-4.6/install/site/unattend.csv | head -n 1 | awk 
> -F '"' '{print $2}' | sed -r 
> 's...@^(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})@\1-\2-\3-\4-...@g' | awk '{print 
> tolower($_)}'`
> if [ -n "$MAC_ADDR" ]; then
>     ln -s /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/force-reinstall 
> /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/01-"$MAC_ADDR"
> fi
> # If you have winexe, you can reboot this same second
> #winexe -U MYDOMAIN/Administrator%secretpass //$1 'cmd shutdown -r -t 01'
> Then, to be able to remove the symblink
> cat /usr/local/bin/
> #!/bin/bash
> # If the share/boot server is in the same network as the workstations, 
> you can grab the MAC_ADDR directly
> #ARP_ADDR=`arp -n | grep "$1 " | awk '{print tolower($3)}' | sed 's/:/-/g'`
> IP_ADDR=`echo $1 | sed 's...@.*_@@'`
> MACHINE_NAME=`host $IP_ADDR|sed -r 's@(.* )(\w*)(.*)@\2@'`
> /home/samba/unattended-4.6/install/site/unattend.csv | head -n 1 | awk 
> -F '"' '{print $2}' | sed -r 
> 's...@^(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})@\1-\2-\3-\4-...@g' | awk '{print 
> tolower($_)}'`
> if [ -n "$ARP_ADDR" ]; then
>     BOOT_FILE=/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/01-"$ARP_ADDR"
>     rm -f $BOOT_FILE
> fi
> Ok .. so now i just plugged this into samba.
> [Install]
> comment = Unattended Install
> path = /home/samba/unattended-4.6/install
> browseable = no
> writeable = no
> public = no
> root preexec = /usr/local/bin/ %m
> Now, to reinstall a machine, remotelly i just need to run 
> and that workstation will be marked for reinstall. The next boot the 
> machine does (which can be forced using winexe for instance - 
>, it will enter the second pxe configuration 
> and start the install process. When the machine starts installing, by 
> accessing the "install" share, the symblink is removed from the pxelinux 
> directory, avoiding the endless boot/install process.
> Although this is working jusr fine, feel free to guide to a simpler way 
> of doing this.
> Regards,
> Hugo Monteiro.

Fellow developers,

Any chance that something similar to this would be incorporated into a 
future release?

Best regards,

Hugo Monteiro.

-- cat .signature

Hugo Monteiro
Email    :
Telefone : +351 212948300 Ext.15307
Web      :

Centro de Informática
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da
                   Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Quinta da Torre   2829-516 Caparica   Portugal
Telefone: +351 212948596   Fax: +351 212948548    _

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