> On 12/17/2010 03:30 AM, tovis wrote:
>> Thanks!
>> I will try it.
>> I Have choose disk1 because of the "Intel Storage Matrix" driver which I
>> have use for sample - how txtsetup.oem should have look like. Also in
>> that
>> txtsetup.oem every device have separate rows for [Files.xxx] and
>> [HarwareIds.xxx] event thay have use the same driver file.
>> May be driver disk was prepared/checked for windows xp 64 bit edition?
>> What is also confusing me, that the floppy which have been work with
>> "original" installer CD, does not work with unattended prepared
>> install/setup copy. It would be nice to know how preparation for text
>> mode
>> and pnp drivers  is work in unattended system. It's really time
>> consuming
>> procedure to make a new preparation and check it.
>> Sincerely
>>    tovis
> You're also using the Intel storage matrix driver ... you can just use
> my whole TXTSETUP.OEM and call it a day. (Unless you want to make
> changes, of course.  And it doesn't include the AMD x86_64 SATA driver,
> for reasons discussed earlier.)
Thanks Jason!
After several reedit of txtsetup.oem at last I have an unattended
"conform" version for AMD AHCI x86 architecture :D Before I've get your
version - I will try it.
I'm using disk id "0" and remove every suspected/unneeded links.
Result XP where installed - next problem with these main board the chipset
driver (by manufacturer), which includes ATI VGA driver, which is not
included to BTS driver pack, or that does not installing, Fortunately I
doesn't need to install many of these boxes.
Again thanks for your help!


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