Anyone have any other pending thoughts related to Chapter Two before we  
begin chapter three?
As I reflect once again upon this important chapter, what strikes me  is the 
importance of developing a strong classroom community in order to achieve  
what Ellin describes. We are teaching not only reading, but how to be a  
community of learners. As some of you may remember, I am currently  taking 
classes. I 
am studying leadership and innovation.(I want to be able  to create the 
changes we talk about so often on this list and on  mosaic.)
 I am interested in the commonalities between what I am  learning effective 
school leaders do (create effective professional  learning communities where 
everyone has some leadership roles) and what  Ellin is advocating in To 
Here are just a few examples:
1. Good leaders help develop a common vision that inspires and unites the  
staff. In Ellin's book one example of creating a common vision is  when the 
teacher creates a sense of excitement and anticipation for  those coming to an 
vitational group. 
2. Good school leaders share leadership. Ellin would have the students  
teaching and sharing what they have learned about reading...the leadership for  
learning is shared.
3. Good school leaders develop a learning community. Ellin would have us  set 
up a climate of inquiry...where kids see themselves as scholars who pose  
questions and work together to find the answers. 
4. Good leaders help their colleagues celebrate successes...there are  
rituals as a part of the culture. Ellin would have the kids have rituals as 
part  of 
their crafting sessions and celebrations of learning are an inherent part of  
what Ellin recommends in the studio model. 
Could it be that children who learn in a constructivist environment will  
grow up to be better suited for leadership roles in the future? Wouldn't that 
grand if that were the case?
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