Doug Ewell wrote:

> SC UniPad can read and write text files:
> - using LF, CR, CRLF, or LS (U+2028);

Great, and I know about UniPad, but more people have Windows Notepad and other 
system-level editors.
Why does UniPad not support NL and PS?

> One thing it cannot do is maintain different line separators in a single
> file.  It converts them all internally to U+2028 and writes them out
> consistently according to user preference.  (I don't know why one would
> want different line separators in a single file, but maybe someone can
> think of a reason.)

I can't - this behavior is fine as far as I am concerned.

> Markus, when you say "NL" do you mean U+0085?  What text files use this
> convention?

I am aware of plain text files generated on mainframes (EBCDIC-based machines, 
390/400/iSeries/zSeries) that use NL (U+0085) instead of LF (U+000a).
As far as I know, this is sometimes because someone creates plain text files on OS/390 
Unix System Services, where the EBCDIC LF/NL codes are swapped, and then uses a 
standard (non-swapped) mapping table to convert this to Unicode.
Happens inside XML parsers, for example, because the CCSID does not include a 
specification of which LF/NL codes are used...

Best regards,

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