On Fri, 21 Mar 2003, Michael Everson wrote:

> >However, if you load the list of country codes and names in a
> >commercial product, thus giving an added value to your product, we
> >consider it normal that ISO asks for the payment of a royalty fee.

What about Open Source software like ICU (that is already including the
stuff as a whole to some degree)? A royalty-driven system won't work
because everyone will be granted rights to distribute the product with or
without changes. Should I pay a fee to ISO if I copy ICU for my friend and
ask two dollars for it?

> >I am not an expert on these matters and I would suggest that you contact Mr
> >Chabot to discuss details with him should you have
> >further need for clarification.

Please do so if you have the time. This looks very insane to me, specially 
when Open Source software is considered.


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