On 8/4/2010 1:30 PM, verdy_p wrote:
"Asmus Freytag"  wrote:
The Fraktur problem is one where one typestyle requires additional information (e.g. when to select long s) that is not required for rendering the same text in another typestyle. If it is indeed desirable (and possible) to create a correctly encoded string that can be rendered without further change automatically in both typestyles, then adding any necessary variation sequences to ensure that ability might be useful. However, that needs to be addressed in the context of a precise specification of how to encode texts so that they are dual renderable. Only addressing some isolated variation sequences makes no sense.

I don't think so.

If a text was initially using a round s, nothing prohibits it being rendered in Fraktur style, but 
even in this case, the conversion to "long s" will be inappropriate. So use the Fraktur 
"round s" directly.
This statement makes clear that you don't understand the rules of typesetting text in Fraktur.
If a text in Fraktur absolutely requires the "long s", it's only when the original text was already using this "long s".
This statement is also incorrect.

The rules when to use long s in Fraktur and when to use round s depend on the position of the character within the word in complicated ways.

The same word, typeset using Antiqua style will not usually have the long s.

For German, there exist a large number of texts that were typeset in both formats, so you can compare for yourself. Even in France, I suspect that research libraries would have editions of 19th century German classics in both formats.
In that case, encode the "long s": The text will render with a "long s" in both "modern" Latin font styles like Bodoni 
(with a possible fallback to modern "round s" if that font does not have a "long s"), an in "classic" Fraktur font 
styles (with here also a possible fallback to Fraktur "round s" if the Frakut font forgets the long s in its repertoire of supported 
I'm skipping the rest, of your message because you've started from a wrong premise and sorting out which bits still apply even after accounting for the wrong premise is not something I have time, energy and inclination for.


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