I'll try to arrange for an official corporate response to this document for the 
next UTC, but informally, I note that the charts include a number of variants 
of the Apple corporate logo, which Apple wants *not* to be encoded in any form. 

Beyond this—and speaking purely for myself and not for Apple (and unfortunately 
aware that some people don't understand or will not respect the distinction)—I 
think that this whole discussion is starting up a little too quickly.  The mere 
fact that they're in fonts some corporation ships is not evidence that they are 
appropriate even for consideration, let alone encoding, particularly in the 
absence of clones or other widely-distributed fonts which contain these glyphs. 
 I think it's fair to say that if Apple felt that these glyphs were needed in 
general text interchange, Apple would have proposed them.  

In any event, I would personally prefer that the whole discussion be dropped 
until Apple has had a chance to at least look over the document and respond.  
To do otherwise strikes me as at the least discourteous and at best premature.  

John H. Jenkins

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