Look at Figures 8-1 through 8-4 in the Unicode Standard 5.0.

We see graphic characters shown, one representing space and two representing 
joiners. This is plain text. This is something one might wish to put on a web 
page or in an e-mail. One of the three characters is encoded. 

Talking about the standard is *important*. Since the use of graphic characters 
in plain text is often cited as a criterion for encoding, and since some 
non-graphic characters in the standard have a SYMBOL FOR graphic 
representation, I do not, at all, think that it is unwise or capricious to 
suggest that other non-graphic characters in the standard also have a SYMBOL 
FOR graphic character which can be used to represent them. 

In fact, I think it would be advantageous to users of the standard and to 
promulgators of the standard for such symbols to be encoded. 

However, I agree with Asmus that in the context of the Wingdings-type symbols 
these characters should not be considered. They should be considered as a whole 
on their own. 

Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/

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