On 7/15/2011 11:36 AM, Michael Everson wrote:
However, I agree with Asmus that in the context of the Wingdings-type symbols 
these characters should not be considered. They should be considered as a whole 
on their own.

Thank you Michael.

To reiterate and restate (so it can be read out of context):

   If widespread use of particular glyphic symbols for certain
   invisible characters (as opposed to abbreviations and names) can be
   documented, then those symbols, and those symbols only should are
   eligible to be added to the standard. As in the example for SPACE,
   if there are different such symbols denoting the same invisible
   character, any of them that is widespread could be added. Care
   should be taken not to unify symbols of different design merely
   based on the fact that they represent the same invisible character.

I simply ask that when and if these symbol characters are considered, the normal procedures for adding characters are to be followed. This includes adducing evidence of their use in documentation (other than the Unicode Standard itself) and similar publications. In particular, such documentation would need to be brought for each individual character (except perhaps for paired characters) as it is quite likely that some invisible characters not documented extensively (for example the deprecated ones).

Finally, it would be valuable if research into the use of such glyphic symbols was thorough enough to encompass a more or less complete range of glyphs used for each invisible character, not simply the Unicode chart glyph.


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