2016-11-23 12:00 GMT+01:00 Tom Hacohen <t...@osg.samsung.com>:

> Also take another look at http://www.unicode.org/reports
> /tr29/#Grapheme_Cluster_and_Format_Rules specifically the table that
> shows another way of writing the ignore rule. This again shows my
> understanding of rule 4 is correct.
> Specially look at the following equivalence:
> X Y × Z W       ⇒       X (Extend | Format)* Y (Extend | Format)* × Z
> (Extend | Format)* W

This expansion does not occur before rule WB4; it cannot be used to
transform rules WB1 to WB3c; this is explicitly stated in the algorithm.
And because the rule WB3c handles your case, you are misinterpreting the
specs as if it was applying there too...

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