On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 6:59 AM Richard Wordingham via Unicode <
unicode@unicode.org> wrote:

> > > You don't need an ISO 15924 script code. You need to think in terms
> > > of BCP 47. Sanskrit in Latin would be sa-Latn.
> > >
> >
> > Right!
> >
> > Now, if you want to distinguish the different transcription systems
> > for
> > > writing Sanskrit in Latin, you can apply to registry a BCP 47
> > > variant. There are also BCP 47 extension T, which may also be
> > > useful to you:
> > >
> > > https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6497
> > >
> >
> > And that extension is administered by Unicode, with documentation and
> > data here:
> > http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35.html#t_Extension
> Thanks for the pointers!

> But that says that the definitions are at
> https://github.com/unicode-org/cldr/releases/tag/latest/common/bcp47/transform.xml
> ,
> but all one currently gets from that is an error message 'XML Parsing
> Error: no element found'.

Yes - that needs to be fixed (+markda...@google.com - could you please? )

shows iast!

The subtag I would use for IAST seems to be:
sa-Latn-t-sa-m0-iast (https://r12a.github.io/app-subtags/ is unable to
confirm that the extension
t-sa-m0-iast  is all right though.. Could someone confirm?)

Then, the next step seems to be to propose to add the below to
https://github.com/unicode-org/cldr/blob/master/common/bcp47/transform.xml :
ISO 15919, Kyoto-Harvard, ITRANS, Velthuis, SLP1, WX, National Library at
Kolkata romanisation
How to proceed with that?

Vishvas /विश्वासः

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