Could somebody who was at the meeting let the rest of us know why the motion to create a dog run failed to progress?
I would be interested in knowing the positons of the FoCP Board members towards the creation of the park. Maybe next year someone will have to create a Dog Pak slate of board candidates

Anthony West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Friends of Clark Park officers and directors were chosen at the Fall membership Meeting on Oct. 13 at Griffith Hall.
President Tony West, Vice President Ron Hudson, Secretary Jonathan Snyder and Treasurer Bill Moriarty were reelected by acclamation without opposition to another one-year term. The six seats for two-year terms on the Board of Directors were contested. The winners were Brad Zinn, Darryl Stovall, Fernwood Smith, Stefanie Moore, Betty Collins and Ruth Andrews.
The membership approved a plan to raise dues starting Jan. 1, 2005. A motion to create lifetime memberships and junior memberships was tabled until the January Membership Meeting. Another motion, to pursue a dog run in the park and establish a committee to oversee it, followed a similar course. Both will be studied by the Board in the meantime, and the Board will make its recommendations to the members in January.
-- Tony West

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