On 6/7/07, Elizabeth F Campion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I prefer attribution, but I understand why someone might not want to
expose themselves to the rampant paranoia, profligate speculation and
general nastiness that began to swirl around the 'offending' post, long
before a beginner might have twigged to list etiquette (or not) or a more
adept sender might have discovered an address oversight.

Many of our senders are known by insider nicknames.
Some of us include to much in our signatures, others too little, some
assume the E-address says it all.

Liz, I fail to understand why you're putting so much energy into defending
the practice of anonymous posting, which even the most hopeless newbie
realizes is a vile and scummy practice. There is absolutely no excuse for
sending messages under false names to a public email list. In fact, it is
technically illegal, although I can't cite the statute at the moment. WTF is
wrong with you today???

Ross Bender

Ph.D. in Love, Columbia University
D.Hon. Bob Jones University
Certificate in Cognitive Science, Institute of Glottopsychiatry, University
of Waterloo
Chevalier, Legion d'Honneur
Lt., (Ret.) Queen's African Rifles
Voted Most Likely to Succeed, Goshen High School, 1967

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