I think Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell made a mistake when she backed
IMHO she gets things right more often than she gets things wrong, and she
keeps my vote and admiration.

John Fenton may (or may not) have put work effort and UCD resources into
a political rally.
IMHO there should have been clear, written policies and procedures; less
jumping to conclusions and resounding support (and a second chance even
if 'guilty') for a guy who gets more things right than wrong.
I am glad he landed on his feet, working on behalf of our neighborhood

Lewis Wendell may (or may not) have rushed to judgement on John.
IMHO he is another good neighbor and hard worker who should be given the
chance to learn from the events of recent days.
I do not want another rush to judgement, especially in the absence of
clear evidence and the presence of too much emotion.
IMHO Lewis is someone who has gotten a lot right and who deserves a fair
hearing and another chance.

I think Craig is absolutely correct: “In business, as in sports, you
always go for the very best talent available, even if it is not local”.
With the caveat that the current 'player' be considered as to whether or
not he may be the best available.

Another good aphorism, is "fix only the broken".
IMHO it is UCD, not the director, that needs to be fixed.
Like Al, I'd like to see an SSD emerge that gets back to the basics of
"clean and safe" and drops the marketing, development, and social
engineering roles that make it unpopular with me and many other
I want it to serve the neighbors of the neighborhood, not trample our
culture and replace it with something artificially bright.
Also, like Al, I want our SSD to operate in a transparent manner -- both
functionally and fiscally.

No one is perfect.
I have few happy thoughts of JOHN FRYE, and feel a sense of good
I am only moderately sorry he fell up (are F&M and the suburbs "up"?).

I have many good memories of hard and effective work by
        DL WORMLEY
        PAUL STEINKE and
It is easy to forgive and feel grateful to each for the maintenance and
progress driven by their efforts.
I am not prepared to see Lewis sacrificed to the current passion for
vengeance or perceived opportunity.
I hope that among the scenarios being considered are all the possible
consequences of the costs &/or benefits of a change at the helm of UCD.
My preference, at least for now, is healing with LW in place.


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