OK, dude, I'll be picketing that reception, and handing out literature about
the REAL Mennonites.

The title is just ridiculous. It would be as if some jerk had a gallery show
called "The Jews" and showed photos of Lubavitcher Hassidim from Brooklyn.
That is to say:

Hassidim:Jews :: Old Colony Mennonites: Mennonites

If you have anything to do with this show, I strongly advise you to retitle
it, because I'm gonna be there telling the "artist" and anybody else who's
listening that this is a ridiculous insult to Mennonites, and maybe breaking
some heads. Just for your information, I can count off on the top of my head
half a dozen Mennonites who have received Ph.D.'s from Penn within the last
20 years, and another dozen who have doctorates from REAL Ivy League
schools. Ahem. Although Mennonites are related to these bizarre backward
splinter groups and even the Amish, who seem to be fodder for every dorky
late night comedian, or so my TV-watching sister informs me, we mainstream
Mennonites are BAD. The Dean of the Harvard Medical School is one, jist for
instance, although I don't like to advertise that place a whole lot.

Damn, the more I think about this, the upsetter I get.

As everybody on this list should know, we have a real Mennonite church right
here in West Philly -- meets at the Calvary Center at 9:00am Sunday
mornings, right after milking time and chores. We're so advanced that we're
installing a lady pastor next month. Admittedly, we're not as up to date as
yer Presbyterians, Methodists and Lutherans -- for example, some of us don't
have cars and TVs, and we're downright backward when it comes to being suave
and debonair about any kind of sex outside marriage - but we plan to have a
seminar this fall on whether the Bible teaches that masturbation is godly or

For more information, check out "The Anabaptist Vision" on the Columbia
University alumni website, while I go and slop the hogs.



> well, ross, I got to put the finishing touches on today:
>       http://tinyurl.com/2679lp
> exhibit opens july 31, but the opening reception to meet the
> artist is on sept 11. the photos look amazing, as do the
> people in them. good explanatory text, too.

Ross Bender

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