Glenn moyer wrote:
Throughout this smokescreen of propaganda, all important
relevant issues raised by the community were erased from
all the city records while the falsified records put
forth only a single unresolved issue behind the delay,
the parking/traffic study.

Was all of this a simple recurring error?  Was the DP
editorial board amazingly prescient so long ago?  Why
would all other issues not cloaked by a traffic study and
worthless U. promises be erased after tabling the matter
in May?

what's laughable is that pcpc even bothered to consider a traffic study when they were so confident that the neighbors would 'get used to' the height and scale of the hotel.

by pcpc's reasoning, surely neighbors would also 'get used to' the hotel traffic, along with the permanent fact of the hotel's height and scale. by pcpc's reasoning, there shouldn't have been any need to even consider traffic. neighbors would simply 'get used to it'.

why, then, was traffic so important for pcpc to consider? and why was traffic more important to pcpc than the hotel's height and scale? and why was traffic so overridingly important for pcpc to consider in september, but not in april?

it's because pcpc couldn't approve the hotel on the basis of its height and scale in april or may. pcpc decided, after tabling the matter and scrubbing neighbors' testimony in may, to use, in september, a stand-in issue as its criterion: traffic.


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