One of my buildings got a trash "Violation notice  warning" (a warning -- 
not a fine) for recycling not  separated from regular trash.
The new wrinkle is that the violation notice was written at 8:43 am, and  
was found at about 8:50 am when our people went to set the trash out at the  
curb. Therefore the notice was written before the trash was set out. I 
conclude  that either:
    1.  The "officer" might have been making it up.  
    2.  The "officer" might have issued the warning to the wrong building.  
    3.  The "officer" might have gone up the alley to the rear of the 
property  (when, legally, the trash is still ours and not the city's) and 
searched  through bags that might or might not have been gone through by us for 
purposes  of separation.
I sent a complaint about this to the Streets Dept and will let the  
community know what, if anything, comes of it. True, it's not a violation for  
which a fine was assessed, but these "officers" can't just go around making  
mistakes or acting illegally.  

Or, are they endowed with some kind of ability to foresee the future (in  
which case, their talents are surely being under-utilized by the city)?
Alan  Krigman
KRF Management, ICON/Information Concepts Inc
211 S 45th St,  Philadelphia PA 19104-2918
215-349-6500, fax 215-349-6502  or

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