In a message dated 12/10/2010 11:22:34 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I don't  know ... this DP 'graf reads like a pretty straight account to me, 
except  where they got the year wrong. But who's counting?

Ummm, Tony:
Do you really think the decision to relocate because "nearby  residents 
expressed concerns" was a "straight account" of what the backers of  this 
project forced the members of the community to spend (in dollars and time)  and 
That seems to be a lot like really believing that
    *   Obama endorsed a two-year across-the-board extension of the 
so-called  "Bush tax cuts" because Republicans expressed concerns about the  
    *   The Magna Carta was signed because the barons expressed  concerns 
about the king billeting soldiers in people's homes, 
    *   The historic district nomination for Spruce Hill got buried  
because local residents expressed concerns about such things as  being unable 
have ironworkers create fanciful security bars for their  front windows 
    *   The ... well, you get the idea.

Always at  your service and ready for a diatribe -- er, dialog.

Al  Krigman

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