Glenn wrote:
And if you look down from Walnut St just east of WXPN, almost the entire Frankenstein lawn adjacent the new parking lot construction has the same yellowing.

yes! I noticed this recently and wondered about that strange yellowing, because that sod had been recently laid and everything was green, and then suddenly the weird swaths of perfectly uniform yellow appeared, that didn't follow the pattern of the sod pieces -- and this dead yellow appeared after plenty of rain had just fallen. and what's so odd is that when you look at it from above, you see perfectly green patches of grass right next to patches of completely dead yellow grass -- it's not even a gradual shift...

also, no dandelions or clover, from what I can see from the bridge...

so roundup is causing that?

seems consistent with the practice of applying roundup at the beginning of new landscaping operations; the stouffer triangle on woodland walk is also relatively recent (just last year?)

- - - - -

if penn's ucd is indeed resorting to poisons, that is inconsistent with penn's stated commitment to sustainability:

perhaps neighbors can investigate whether or not penn's ucd is aware of harvard, and look into organic compost teas for our clark park -- I haven't heard mention of this compost tea in this discussion, I first heard about it on this old house:


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