Begin forwarded message:
From: "Vivianne T. Nachmias" <>
Date: September 21, 2012 7:22:04 AM EDT
To: pfsni <>, Recyclebank LLC <
Subject: [PFSNI] Important Message from Jim Crater at Recycling
Services, Inc.
If this does not interest you, please at least forward it to a
friend who may care about the proliferation of Land Fills and the
every increasing use of Plastics, even with No Numbers hence not
recyleable in Philadelphia... and all the other things Jim Crater's
amazing place takes and finds the right people to send
From: Kelly Fielden Nastasi <>
Date: September 20, 2012 10:31:33 PM EDT
To: Kelly Fielden Nastasi <>
Subject: An Important Message from Jim Crater at Recycling
Services, Inc.
Reply-To: Kelly Fielden Nastasi <>
Recycling Services, Inc. 365 Elm St. Pottstown, Pa. 19465 (a 501c-3
non profit corporation)
Dear Friends:
You are receiving this mailing because you have been a good friend
and supporter of Recycling Services, Inc. Thank you for that.
This letter is a special appeal for donations to keep RSI
operating. Supporting membership contributions like yours are the
only way to see us through our current crisis. Please help to keep
our services available to the people of this area. We have never
had to do an appeal like this before… but these are difficult times.
In our last mailing I wrote of this year being one of the most
difficult of our 41 years. Markets, with the exception of metals,
are real poor and often we find shipment of materials is followed
by a very long wait for payment. We are also finding more and more
folks not helping with the gate fee. Others say they can just kick
in $2 or $3 of the $8 that is requested to cover our costs.
Combining this with some unfavorable weather and less visitors,
(last Tuesday just 33 cars) and you can see our dilemma.
We are truly running on empty. Right now we have enough funds on
hand for one more pay period for employees; there is no reserve.
Our recent supporting membership drive collected less than half of
what was expected.
So, what to do? I've increased ads on the Internet for materials
and equipment not needed to be sold, several more ads in Lancaster
Farming this week for solar equipment and more things going up on
Craigs list today. Mostly folks need to understand… we have
insurance & maintenance expenses that every business has, we
currently have 13 employees.
Our most pressing need is for operating funds to carry us through
the rest of the year. In the meantime, it will be necessary to
carefully look at the numbers and conduct a survey to see just how
folks use our facility. This will tell us then how to adjust gate
fees, days and hours. Perhaps the gate fee should be on a per
vehicle basis, i.e., a truck load of foam is much more expensive
for us to handle than a car load mix.
You may have already sent a contribution this year, if so please
consider an additional donation. It will be greatly appreciated.
If you have not given recently, please consider putting us back on
your list of worthy causes to support. We know that economic
times are difficult for many of you. If everyone receiving this
letter could give at least $50.00, it would help a lot. If you can
afford to give more, please do.
Stay tuned, please submit ideas as they are greatly appreciated,
you can reach me at you can also submit comments
on our facebook page. (Recycling Services, Inc.) Be sure and LIKE
us when you're there and we can update you that way.
Thanks for your continued interest & support.
Jim Crater