Triode wrote: 
> Its too much of a coincidence for me that 128*1024*1024 is 134217728. 
> Why it causes a problem at this point I don't know.
> Have you tried it with silence - if you play silence (just squeezelite
> paused), does it start to produce static at this point or does it keep
> producing silence?
> Could you try without mmap mode, so make the squeezelite alsa params
> have "-a :::0"
> I don't know if this does anything, but there's special cases in the
> driver for mmap mode which have been changed recently, so want to test
> without that part being used.

I started playing a 96k file and then pushed pause on the LMS control
My sound bar continues to display PCM 96kHz.
The ptr is still incrementing.
After the normal 23 minutes, there was still no sound (no buzzing), but
as soon as I pressed play, the buzzing started.  In the past, I have had
times when it made a buzzing noise when paused, and other times it does
not.  But it appears the issue still happens, even when paused for the
23 minutes.

But, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ALSA_PARAMS="-a :::0"
eliminates the problem!
The ptr is way past 134000000 and it continues to play perfectly:

[fedora@wandboard ~]$ cat /proc/asound/imxhdmisoc/pcm0p/sub0/status
state: RUNNING
owner_pid   : 1799
trigger_time: 1961.232262601
tstamp      : 3873.880781117
delay       : 6144
avail       : 0
avail_max   : 768
hw_ptr      : 183608064
appl_ptr    : 183614208


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