JackOfAll wrote: 
> After this upgrade, (which adds a forwarding index page and mod_proxy
> apache config), if you enable and start httpd (Apache), you can access
> the web-gui via just the ip address. Downsides, apart from 5MB memory
> locked out by httpd process, none.

You could use iptables to redirect all port 80 requests to 8080.

I do this all the time so I don't have to run tomcat/jboss as root.

You'd need to add the iptables modules to the kernel, the commands are
already in RC3.

Not sure of the memory use difference but it's an option, that doesn't
require apache.

Here's /etc/sysconfig/iptables from one of my rhel6 servers.

  :OUTPUT ACCEPT [2:340]
  -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080 

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