Chunkywizard wrote: 
> Anyone running Jivelite displaying onto a Lilliput display? I have heard
> reports than they are non standard resolutions and wondered if there
> were any issues known?
> CW

I have issues as I indicated in these posts from a few weeks ago. I have
not tried Jivelite since, but I would be more than happy to try again
and report back.

...."The Liliput 7" 16:9 LCD Monitor with HDMI input has a native
Resolution of 800x480 and supports up to 1920 x 1080 according to the
specs. Jivelite works very well and I did try all of the skins. I
settled on 1920 x 1080. The album art however displayed poorly
(pixelated) regardless of settings. (this same art looks fine on my
iPad/iPeng display btw). I blame the monitor, not Jivelite....."

...."I looked everywhere in the Liliput menu, and found no way to adjuat
horz width or vert height. The joggler skin was wide horizontal but
short in verticle.
None of the skins displayed the cover art with proper resolution (if
that is the correct definition).
The internet radio station art was displayed better than my high rez
album art, of let's say 1200 x 1200 jpg.
I'm not too concerned though, because this SqueezeLiteWand when finished
with the JS CSP2 will be headless and controlled with iPeng.
The Liliput is just a convenient way of trouble shooting my headless
server when for whatever reason I'm unable to RDP into it.
Anyway, it was just a functionality test of the Jivelite features that
are included in this wonderful CSOS!"

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