4lex wrote: 
> No.
> I'm not sure how much clearer I can make it. They're different devices.
> Notwithstanding, it would be great to learn why this one is not working,
> and quite likely useful to others when this post comes up on a search.
> Completely irrelevant. So you don't know. That's cool, don't feel
> obliged to respond any more

ok then lets go...
The Link that you had posted seems not the realdeal ofa howto setup.

If you want to find out is it the pi or the image/software what can you
do very easy?

Did you remove pulse on one or another - i always do (on debian based
Do you have chinese and uk Raspberrys? or Uk / chines only?

If you want all of us to find out - your welcome.


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