Just an update - I hadn't played around with the LMS server settings
page, just the -a setting in the command line for Squeezelite. I've had
a play with various LMS Server Player Synchronize settings for the
SqueezeLite/RPi/RASPBMC and SqueezeLite/PC/Windows7 - I just moved the
sliders up to extreme settings for the SqueezeLite/RPi player and it
works. For anyone interested the LMS settings for each player are:

Player Start Delay (ms) 968
Player Audio Delay (ms) 973
Minimum Synchronization Adjustment (10) - default setting
Network Pack Latency (ms) 785.

Player Start Delay (ms) 204
Player Audio Delay (ms) 10 - default setting
Minimum Synchronization Adjustment (10) - default
Network Pack Latency (ms) 10 - default.

The other LMS Player settings were:
Synchronize Volume - Don't.
Synchronize Power - Don't.
Maintain Synchronization - Maintain while playing.

Tried the above on two tracks each of about 7 minutes each and stayed in
sync. The 968, 973 settings are just high settings after moving the
slider in LMS. If I had typed the numbers in I would have probably put
in 900 or 950 or 1000 or something.

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