You have done a great job with squeezelite - I was able to install it on
my Raspberry Pi in just a matter of minutes.  It then took me a few days
to realize that I needed to use a different USB WiFi since the one I was
using was causing the Pi to crash nightly.  But once I corrected this it
has been working great.  I really appreciate your time to develop the
code.  I know how it is - all you ever get are requests for help.  And I
hate to admit it but I now want to use the program in a refitted old
radio I have.

I am now trying to add a few buttons to the top of the Pi, or connect up
the old radio buttons - I was thinking of adding 1 button for volume up,
1 for volume down, 1 for turning it off/on and  possibly one to switch
to the next favorites station.  I was thinking of setting the buttons up
to make the I/O pins on the Raspberry Pi go high when the button is
pushed but  I am at a total loss of how to write the code to handle
this.  I am hoping you can add this to the list of potential
improvements  or someone on this thread can point me to what I need to
modify in the code in order to do this.  I figure I will need to have
squeezelite monitor the pins or create a new program that monitors the
pins and then activates the volume up / volume down sections of the code
along with activating the on / off section of the code.  I figure to
change the favorites I would need to send a string back to the
squeezeplayer. Anyone have any ideas, does it sound doable?


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