dafiend wrote: 
> By "'design' work", you mean software design??

No hardware. I design my own circuits and PCBs for amps, power supplies
and soon DACs.

> Again, I may be wrong here, but shouldn't a class-compliant USB DAC
> actually be less work? For many class-compliant USB DACs, you got
> out-of-the-box support in the standard linux kernel made available by
> Raspian and the like, not just in newer, but also in older kernel
> versions. (I am aware picoreplayer is not based on Raspian). For a
> Hifiberry, you may need to build your own kernel, as the default kernel
> will generally be missing some modules unless you're using a very recent
> kernel.

The same argument can be used for I2S. It is a standard. Every I2S DAC
should just work. Issues do arise for sampling rates, I2C (C not S)
controls etc.

> I don't know, when I read this forum, everybody seems to say you *need*
> a RPi + picoreplayer + a Hifiberry add-on card. I don't understand why
> that is. Why not a cheap USB audio dongle or a cheap high-quality USB
> DAC such as the Behringer UCA 202? Both are cheaper than a Hifiberry.
> They are easier to hook up than a Hifiberry (and they won't require a
> bigger case for the RPi). And, lastly, they're available domestically in
> many countries so, unlike with the Hifiberry, I don't have to import the
> good, paying high shipping rates and import tariffs and wait like 2
> weeks for the good to arrive from Switzerland.

Everyone has preferences depending on lots of different reasons. Your
decision may be dependant of availability. Mine is on cheapness. I buy
the cheapest component I can find from China. When I build my own I read
the datasheets and determine what chips have the better specs. Others
may think Brand A sounds better then Brand B. Some like recommendations
from happy users.

> One more edit: Is it possible that various devs working on picoreplayer
> or related DIY-squeezeboxes have some kind of financial interest in
> Hifiberry?


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