Thanks for all the replies.
Why do I want to did it (and not use a phone)? 
-> I just like the idea of a portable DIY Squeezebox - and was inspired
by pippins Tivoli Squeezebox in the DIY section -> Even the creator of
ipeng does not rely on ipeng all the time :-)
So I bought a Tivoli PAL secondhand, where I want to fit everything in -
thats why a Zero is needed and no external DAC, only a simple low pass
like in the Adafruit tutorial 
(I have a Tivoli One in the kitchen - fed by a Squeezebox - which sounds
great. Thats why I would like to use a Tivoli setup)

Now back to my questions:
Enough steam on the Pi Zero for using Spotty? I guess I just have to try
it.... and wait for wtnh's feedback on his setup!
WRT PWM pins - I need to see, if I get anywhere with the suggested
(thanks, wtnh!) overlay software - and if I get that running on pCP.

Finally the changing WLAN setup: Hmmm - I have to admit: I did not think
that through completely....
But mostly, I want to use it in our vacation house when not at home.
So I need to toggle between 2 WLAN setups. Maybe that can be done with
some sort of logic in the boot process? Maybe via newconfig.cfg?

I will report back once my Zero and the Tivoli Pal arrive in the

My system:
LMS 7.9 on modded Open Peak Joggler running Roobarbs SqueezePlay OS.
1 x Slimp3
5 x Squeezebox Classic
1 x Controller
2 x Squeeze Commander (on 2 rooted Nook Touch e-reader)
X x Squeezeplay & Jivelites on various PC's & Laptops
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