d6jg wrote: 
> I happened across this
> https://www.allo.com/sparky/miniboss-player.html
> Nice little package at a very nice price $80 (£62) - almost cheaper than
> buying the components and putting them all together - easy to swap the
> Volumio SD for a piCorePlayer version
> Then I discovered this
> https://www.allo.com/sparky-eu/miniboss-player.html
> $35 more beacuse we live in Europe WTF !!??
> Then I found this full sized Pi based player
> https://www.allo.com/sparky/max2play-boss-player.html
> and
> https://www.allo.com/sparky-eu/max2play-boss-player.html
> Again different pricing if you are in Europe. 
> At the risk of starting a economic or political argument how can this
> pricing differential exist ?

... because they can charge whatever they like

Traditionally. US prices are converted on a 1:1 basis

Touch, Logitech Radio, Logitech UE Radio, O2 Joggler + SqpOS 
UPnPBridge - 2 paired Sonos Play1 speakers; Rocki - Sony SRS-BTM8
speaker; Pioneer WX-SMA1 speaker;  - PURE One Flow internet radio: PURE
Jongo S3x ; Jongo T2; Libratone Zipp
Castbridge - Chromecast 1 + Chromecast Audio
AirplayBridge - Loewe Airspeaker
SB Player - Fire TV
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