drmatt wrote: 
> You've obviously never tried to get stuff into the country.. there is
> usually a £10 or £15 handling fee for the shipping agent to deal with
> customs charges, which goes on top of the duty (not sure on the rate,
> but could be 5% of total cost), plus Vat on top (17.5%), makes about
> £93.
> -Transcoded from Matt's brain by Tapatalk-

I am sure you are correct. I'd like to find a UK source at a reasonable
price because there is definitely a market here

*Pi3 with piCoreplayer music on QNAP TS419p via NFS*
*Living Room* - Joggler & SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 - > Celestion Ditton F20s
*Office* - Pi -> Sony TA FE320 -> Celestion F10s / Pi & SB3 -> Onkyo CRN
755 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom *Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - SB Touch -> Topping TP21 -> AKG Headphones
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