When I was student at the university, I designed and build a digital
volume control by using a 8 bit DAC.
It was a cheap Burr Brown chip and the idea was: since in the DAC there
were a sort of resistors array properly scaled and powered by an
external reference voltage, I replaced this one with the audio line
signal. Of course the DAC was not clocked.

Today one of my DAC ( Teac ) seems to use a very similar idea: the
rotary volume control has 256 steps and the encoder controls the gain of
the output drivers.

I am not sure if decimating a digital signal is worst than using analog
solutions, but a digital control can be designed even with an analogue

Some months later, during the final exam of digital electronics, we had
to design and program all the above with a Xilinx, but we are talking
about 1993, more or less

Unfortunately I am no more into this stuff... so sorry having to deal
with budget and economics :-(

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