Man in a van wrote: 
> Hi Steff 
> This morning I set up my North Star Essensio dac running USB from a
> rpi2b and an optical SPDIF from a Satellite TV/Radio receiver.
> Squeezelite set to start automatically.
> Switching between either input without any playback problems.
> Switched the dac off completely, the pi off completely.
> Switched the pi back on, Squeezelite running.
> Switched the dac on, USB connection lit up, pressed play on the LMS web
> GUI, got music.
> So I think from this experiment I draw the conclusion that the pCP/dac
> interface is solid.
> I would suggest your problem lies in 
> a) the WiFi connection (if the Ethernet is the same, this can be
> disregarded).
> b) the power supply to the pi is insufficient (I think *DJanGo* is
> suggesting you need to power the screen separately from the pi).   
> c) the USB connection on the dac is a bit flaky on Linux  (test the dac
> on Windows or Mac OS).
> The North Star requires to draw power from the pi to function (it's just
> a handshake; if I isolate the USB power line, then Squeezelite does not
> start). 
> I can't think of anything else, sorry.:(
> Ronnie

I can say that not alla the DACs are the vary same.
My Teac seems to disconnect the USB whenever it goes into standby or the
input is switched to another.

Question: what should happen if a USB DAC is unplugged while playing?
I have two USB DAC and in both cases, if I unplug the DAC, the pCP of
course stops, but if I plug again the DAC, then the pCP will never
restart until I reboot the pCP completely. Sometimes it is enough to
restart just SqueezeLite, but not always... random behaviour.

Of curse with Windows... no problems.

It is not a matter of Power... believe me... I have a FLuke digital
sampling multimeter and my 2.5 A power supply never drops voltage below
5 V even during boot process.
I connected the Rpi3 and the LCD touch to two different power supplier
and the problems is still there.
Embedded WiFi, external  5 Ghz Edimax or wired Ethernet... no changes.

Thanks for your feedback

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