re: the 2nd autostart. Yea, when I realized it followed FAV, I recalled
that they were in that order on the tweaks page and realized that was
probably what it was.

re: TFT without LMS onboard.  PiZeroW, TFT and picoreplayer make a great
combo for a little desktop now-playing screen.  Bonus is add a DAC and
it can play as well, if you don't mind the occasional glitches of

As to the addition of LMS, I don't know if I really need LMS and TFT on
same device, but it became a bit of a mission and learning experience to
figure it out.  Was thinking of making a little desktop player for my
wife for her office.  Could be nice for travel.  I'd also like to use a
picoreplayer/LMS solution for the car, but the lack of an internet
connection will make LMS less friendly there.  Mostly just exploring
what is possible while I mull over what to do with it...

Thanks again for the nudges in the right direction.

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