LMS said there was an update. I updated from Picoreplayer menu's.

Opposite to previous updates this happens:

  This script will update the Logitech Media Server extension  
  usage: /usr/local/bin/lms-update.sh [-u] [-d] [-m] [-r] [-s] [-t]
  -u Unattended Execution
  -d Debug, Temp files not erased
  -m Manual download Link Check for LMS update
  -r Reload LMS after Update
  -s Skip Update from GitHub
  -t Test building, but do not move extension to tce directory
  --mm <version> Force the version you want to update. (eg 7.9.1)
  Unattended Operation Enabled
  Automatic Reload Enabled
  Press Enter to continue, or Ctrl-c to exit and change options
  Updateing Script from Github...
  Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (
  lms-update.sh        100% |*******************************| 13176   0:00:00 
  Relaunching Script in 3 seconds
  Updateing Slimserver customizations from Github...
  Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (
  custom-strings.txt   100% |*******************************|  1180   0:00:00 
  Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (
  picore-update.html   100% |*******************************|  1240   0:00:00 
  Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (
  Custom.pm            100% |*******************************|  2732   0:00:00 
  Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (
  slimserver           100% |*******************************|  3764   0:00:00 
  Downloading update from 
  Connecting to downloads.slimdevices.com (
  wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  Download FAILED...... exiting!

Still not possible to download/update because of that hosting issue or
something I should fix by tweaking one or more files?

does the all-black SB sound better than the white SB?
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