hi foxsam,

I think you will find it works as designed.

I believe the "Power On Resume" setting only applies to the software
"Power on/off" buttons found in the web interface, jivelite or smart

Hardware rebooting piCorePlayer will just continue playing the current
playlist. This happens because a reboot only takes a minute and LMS
still remembers the player "current playing details". This is a good
feature, I use it all the time.

If you do a hardware shutdown, leave it off for 10 or 15 minutes, LMS
will forget the player "current playing details", so it will start with
nothing playing.

So for hardware rebooting/shutdown, you need to set the "Autostart"
features to tell piCorePlayer what to do.

Conceivably, you could put the LMS "stop" command in the Autostart LMS
command. It will probably resume playing for a split second then stop
after a hard reboot.


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