paul- wrote: 
> Yes, do not run tce-update....  I’ve tried to submit extension upgrades,
> but they just never seem to want to update.  A lot of extensions we have
> changed the name over time, so there is no match at the tinycore
> repo......but not everything.
> wpa_supplicant is also updated, the version with pCP is patched for
> broadpown, and othe wpa security issues.

Hi Paul,

You have definitely hit a nerve with the tinycore repo.

It should be said that I have replaced the slimserver sox and flac
binaries (from when the pyramids were built -hi @mherger-) with those
from the tinycore repo (still ancient but at least from when electricity
was invented) with fantastic results. 

Hoping to see more customized pcp-* extensions in the next release...

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